A Case Study on Prototyping Power Management Protocols for Sensor Networks


Power management is an important problem in battery powered sensor networks as the sensors are required to operate for a long time (usually, several weeks to several months). One of the challenges in developing power management protocols for sensor networks is prototyping. Specifically, existing programming platforms for sensor networks (e.g., nesC/TinyOS) use an event-driven programming model and, hence, require the designers to be responsible for stack management, buffer management, flow control, etc. Therefore, the designers simplify prototyping their solutions either by implementing their own discrete event simulators or by modeling them in specialized simulators. To enable the designers to prototype power management protocols in target platform (e.g., nesC/TinyOS), in this paper, we use ProSe, a programming tool for sensor networks. ProSe enables the designers to specify their programs in simple abstract models while hiding low-level challenges of sensor networks and programming-level challenges. As a case study, in this paper, we specify a power management protocol with ProSe, automatically generate the corresponding nesC/TinyOS code, and evaluate its performance. Based on the performance results, we expect that ProSe enables the designers to rapidly prototype, quickly deploy, and easily evaluate their protocols.

In Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems
Mahesh Arumugam
Mahesh Arumugam

Mahesh Arumugam is a software engineer passionate about designing, programming, and deploying systems. Currently, I work in data security and analytics domain.